Lizzie is the daughter of our sweet friends Greg and Julie Hornok. I first fell in love with Lizzie when she sang in front of our church a few months ago. Her enthusiastic and authentic rendition brought me to tears, and I was deeply moved to see how far she had come.
Here's a picture I took of Lizzie at her sensory gymnastics class earlier this month.
Thanks to wonderful treatment options such as this, Lizzie has made incredible progress these past few years. Her story is one of hope - one I am honored to share with you on this blog throughout the next few weeks.
Our "Minis for Lizzie" fund-raiser will be held in Allen, TX on World Autism Awareness Day in honor of Lizzie's journey. 100% of each session fee will go directly to the National Autism Association of North Texas!!!
The National Autism Association of North Texas is helping families right here in North Texas by:
• Raising money to go directly to help families dealing with autism in the North Texas area
• Using donations to educate and serve our community by holding educational seminars
• Giving grants to families for autism treatments
• Working with the law enforcement to ensure the safety of our kids
• Holding weekly parent support groups
Here's how you can help:
Email us today at to book your session.
You check will be made out directly to the National Austism Association - North Texas and can be claimed as a charitable giving on your taxes!
Thank you in advance for your support!
We welcome you to visit our blog throughout the next month to learn more about Lizzie's treatment. Our first post will feature Lizzie's mom, Julie, as she shares their personal story. In the weeks to follow Julie will be back as a guest blogger to highlight the various treatments that have helped Lizzie over the years.
I can't tell you how excited I am to share my documentation of several of these treatments. You'll get a first-hand look into Lizzie's interaction with her brothers, her sensory gymnastics class, her occupational therapy, and even a fashion show with friends! Be assured, there are lots and lots of pictures full of hope coming your way!
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