Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Girl!

Alden ended up in our bed this morning at 6:00 a.m.  The thunder and lightening woke her up.  Grateful to have a morning off from bootcamp and walking, I snuggled in with her for another couple hours of sleep.

My son Stephen Jr. wakes us up in the morning demanding breakfast almost on a daily basis.  After getting out of bed and attending to him, I came in to see sweet Alden snuggling with Daddy.  It was so sweet!  I grabbed for the camera.  By this time Stephen Jr. was opening and closing the blinds - to which Daddy would grumble and repeatedly ask they be closed.  I on the other hand, loved the light streaming in through the windows and bouncing off the white sheets into Alden's face.  Lovely!  I convinced my husband to let Stephen open the blinds just long enough to let me get this amazing shot of our sweet little girl!

A straight out of the camera beauty!  No edits needed. (I even resisted the urge to edit out the dried up sleepy drool from her mouth.)

1 comment:

  1. She is a very beautiful little girl!!!!


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